The basics: This is Rheal Cormier's lone appearance in the 1993 Upper Deck set. This is also the fifth straight pitcher card on the blog, and we're not done yet.

Card thoughts: A lefty going to work right here. Cormier lasted so long in the major leagues that my brain wants to think he threw a knuckle ball but he didn't -- at least not in games.

Backs are important in '93 UD: I like the change in cap color from front photo to back photo. The vital stats contain an error, saying that Moncton is in British Columbia. Moncton is in New Brunswick, way on the opposite coast of Canada. Cormier grew up in New Brunswick. He would pitch for the Canadian Olympic team in 1988. Cormier passed away in 2021 due to cancer.
Also, all credit to UD mentioning that Cormier worked as a lumberjack. His 1993 Topps card mentions the same thing.
More from '93: The No. 1 movie in the U.S. on this date in 1993 was "A Few Good Men". You can't handle the truth that this movie is 31 years old.


  1. Glad you mentioned the error on the back. It irked me when I first saw it

  2. He did have a nice, long career. I remember noticing that he was one of few Canadians in MLB at the time. (Also I occasionally called him *the* Rheal Cormier "not the fake Cormier")

    I saw A Few Good Men around that time, and I was surprised to learn years later that it was written by Aaron Sorkin. I'll have to revisit it now that I've watched so many of his other shows.

  3. I just started to accept that fact that we were going to hear about guys featured on 70's cards were going to start passing away. But it shocks me every time to hear about a 90's athlete passing away.

  4. I don't remember him at all. He doesn't look very lumberjack-ish.


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